You’ve got one turn before the Brumak really starts barreling down on your position, but missiles are already about to land, so get out of those red circles ASAP. The other two will be at the opposite end of the map, further north. The boss fight starts with two members of your squad in the street, just below the position you took at the end of the bridge mission prior to this. On the bright side, this attack also affects any Locust forces also caught in its stomp, likely killing them. In my experience, this took off at least one-third to one-half of a fully healed squadmate’s health bar, so retreat if you have the means. The Brumak will raise a foot and stomp on any squadmate close enough, knocking them back a few feet, dealing a huge amount of damage. On the bright side, you can possibly kite other Locust forces to be in these missile circles when they land, almost assuredly killing them. After you deplete a third of the Brumak’s health bar, it will start launching three missiles. This first launches two missiles, and highlights a moderately large circular area you’ll need to be out of by the end of your turn if you want to avoid receiving massive damage. You can permanently disable these with enough shots, although it will easily take a few turns to do that even if you focus on one arm. Two chainguns attached to its arms, which can hit you from long range.

This fight is going to largely be about keeping the Brumak too busy to stomp on you while also defending yourself against Wretches and Hammerburst Drones emerging from E-holes. There are several difficulty modes and modifiers to make the experience more challenging, and there’s a robust endgame that allows you to continually run missions to level up and build your perfect squad, acquiring all new gear and loot for your units along the way.This first boss can prove to be very difficult if you don’t maximize each squadmate’s turns. Gears Tactics is absolutely the longest Gears game, and you can extend your playtime dramatically after wrapping up the main campaign if you decide to replay it. Still, the main story missions can take a long time to finish as well, and you can find yourself still in the early Chapters of the game with quite a few hours under your belt. These side missions are practically required, and they take up a large chunk of time to complete. This is largely due to the side missions that the game requires you to go on in between main story missions. Even though there aren’t as many Acts as Gears of War 4 or 5, Gears Tactics is considerably longer than both. That means the game has a total of 3 Acts and 22 Chapters. Act 1 has 6 Chapters, and Acts 2 and 3 have 8 chapters each. How Many Acts and Chapters are in Gears Tactics? A lot of the Chapters require you to complete a few side missions before you can progress the main story as well, so there’s a lot to do in between the major story beats of Gears Tactics. There aren’t that many Acts, but each Act has several Chapters to work through before you can move onto the next. Like the other games in the series, Gears Tactics is divided into different Acts and Chapters. It’s longer than any of the mainline Gears games by a large margin, and there’s a ton of great strategy gameplay for players to sink their teeth into.