Anylogic manual
Anylogic manual

anylogic manual

Options 1 and 2 are completely natural, but a bad solution would be for the operator to get back to the forklift’s home location and move to a different forklift instead of staying in the same forklift, if that forklift can transport that product type.Another option is for a different operator to walk towards an available forklift to transport that product.One option is to change his mind, and stop moving back to the forklift location, and instead start moving towards the product to transport it.The assumption is that all operators have perfect information and perfect communication with each other.įor instance, if there’s no product, and one operator is driving back the forklift to the forklift’s home location, and a new product arrives that can be transported with that same forklift, what would the operator do? The examples 5.a and 5.b are just two possible situations, and there are many others that can occur, and it is the job of the simulation modeler to be able to identify all those cases and evaluate what is the most natural thing an operator would do if something strange happened. If there are more pallets at the arrival location that can be transported with the same forklift, the operator must remain on the current forklift and go to the arrival location to transport the product to the destination location.If there is not, the operator will walk back to the operator’s home location.If there is, the operator will grab the specific forklift and transport the product towards the destination location.If there are no more pallets that can be transported with the current forklift at the arrival location, the operator will drive the forklift towards the forklifts home location, where he must evaluate if there is another type of load that he can transport using a different type of forklift:.Upon arrival at the destination, the product should be dropped off (and it can be discarded) and something natural should happen according to what we would expect to happen in real life, for example:.There are many forklift types, and each one of them is built to transport a subset of these product types. The chosen forklift must be capable of transporting this type of product.There are many operator types, and each one of them is trained to operate a subset of these forklift types. The chosen operator must be capable of operating this type of forklift.When a product arrives, an idle operator must find a forklift to transport this product, walk towards the forklift, and drive the forklift towards the product, pick it up and transport it to the destination location.Different types of products arrive at the product arrival location with a defined arrival rate.The detailed process is as follows, in which there are 4 areas of interest: the product arrival location, the operators home location, the forklifts home location and the destination location. In this type of process, operators are trained to handle different types of forklifts, which, in turn, are designed to transport certain types of objects.ĭespite being a relatively frequent problem, AnyLogic blocks do not offer an obvious solution for this, so you will need to be creative to solve the puzzle. One of the most common processes in any warehouse is the movement of objects using forklifts, and these forklifts are operated by operators. The competition is over with the winner Maximilian Selmair as the winner, winning $200 with the best model at level 2.

Anylogic manual